
挽回婚姻 访客 2023-12-10 15:07 169 0





1. 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。

翻译:Amidst the crowd, I searched all around. Suddenly, I turned my head and there you were, in the dim light.

2. 两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。

翻译:If love between two people can last through the ages, what does it matter if it takes days and nights?

3. 君生我未生,我生君已老。

翻译:You were born before I came into this world, but by the time I was born, you had already grown old.

4. 白头偕老,共度此生。

翻译:May we grow old together, and spend our lives in each other's company.


1. 盛情奉献,庆贺添福。

翻译:With great joy and enthusiasm, we celebrate and add blessings.

2. 早安开门红,晚上归桂花。

翻译:Welcome the morning with the auspicious red door, return home to blooming osmanthus flowers.

3. 愿天下有情人终成眷属,与子偕老白头到老。

翻译:May all lovers in the world become companions, and may we remain together till old age.

4. 鸿案相庆,共饮芳馨。

翻译:Let's celebrate with a grand feast, and share the fragrance of wine together.


1. 菊花残,满地伤,你的笑容已泛黄。

翻译:The withered chrysanthemums cover the ground, and your smile has turned yellow.

2. 爱情不是轻描淡写,而是蓝天白云下的誓言。

翻译:Love is not a superficial matter, but a promise under the blue sky and white clouds.

3. 温柔相伴,相守一生。

翻译:May we be gentle and accompany each other, staying together for a lifetime.

4. 一生夫妻,花开不败。

翻译:As a married couple, our love will bloom eternally.


1. 织女穿越银河,与牛郎相聚一夜。

翻译:The weaver girl crosses the Milky Way and spends one night with the cowherd.

2. 执子之手,与子偕老。

翻译:Holding your hand, let's grow old together.

3. 新婚之夜,花烛燃尽,灯火辉煌。

翻译:On the wedding night, the candle burns out, but the lights shine brightly.

4. 得玉人为伴,真如花簪插青云。

翻译:Having you as a companion is like placing a flower hairpin in the clouds.

