
情感问题 访客 2023-12-22 18:49 163 0

Giving is More Fulfilling than Taking- A Perspective from Various Angles



Ever since we opened our eyes to this world, we were taught to take, take, and take- starting from mother's milk to societal norms. Though we adore the idea of sharing and giving, our actions often contradict what we preach, be it materialistic or emotional. Therefore, the need arises to remind ourselves that giving is more fulfilling than taking. In this article, we will explore this idea from different viewpoints.

1. Helix of Happiness

When we receive something, we get a rush of happiness that gradually fades away. However, when we give something, it triggers the happiness cycle, which continues to spread like a ripple effect. The Science of Happiness states that giving boosts the production of dopamine, the happy hormone, which results in prolonged happiness. It also generates oxytocin, the love hormone, that makes us feel more connected to the other person/cause and improves our mood overall.

2. Socio-cultural Implications

In many cultures, the concept of giving holds significant value. For instance, in Islam, Zakat (giving to charity) is one of the five pillars, and in Hinduism, Seva (selfless service) is highly regarded. Historically, great leaders and philanthropists like Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa have emphasized the importance of giving. Therefore, in a broader sense, we can say that giving is reflective of a society's values and contributes to a more prosperous and peaceful community.

3. Psychological Perspective

Researchers suggest that giving has a positive impact on our mental health. A study by the University of Zurich found that people who gave their time or money felt happier and less stressed than those who didn't. The same research also suggests that people who gave more were more satisfied with their lives overall. It also aids in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

4. Professional Aspects

As working professionals, we are often caught in the web of competition and individualistic goals. However, when we collaborate, help others grow, and share knowledge, it leads to collective growth and eventual success. Moreover, giving in our professional lives builds our reputation and network, leading to new opportunities. Giving also develops leadership skills like empathy and humility, which are essential for effective leadership.

5. Spiritual Aspect

Many religious and spiritual practices focus on giving as a means of connecting with a higher power. When we give without expecting anything in return, it represents selflessness and purity of intention. It also brings us closer to the idea of oneness, dissolving boundaries of separation.

In conclusion, giving is not only essential but a significant part of our existence. It holds many benefits, including a positive impact on mental health, enhanced social and professional life, and spirituality. Therefore, let's make a conscious effort to give more, be it in the form of materialistic or emotional support, for a better and happier world.

Keywords: giving, happiness, mental health, socio-cultural, spirituality